Frequently Asked Questions
Common FAQ
Interested in learning more about the 37 club? Check out our most frequently asked questions below to see if the information you’re looking for is included. If not, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Can I cancel my Paid Subscription to the 37 Club?
Although we ask for a 12 month+ commitment, you may cancel for any reason at any time. Simply contact us here and submit your request for payment cancellation.

Which payment methods do you accept?
Payments are made via STRIPE. You can make payment via Debit/Credit Card or GooglePay. Some services/products in the STORE may be charged via bank transfer when attached to an invoice.

Is there a way to stay connected to what's going on?
YES. Recently the decision was made to make the 37 Club membership available for free (rather than $37/week or month, we'll cover this payment). This connects you to the 37 Club Newsroom (monthly newsletter + updates). You may then contribute via paid membership (it helps us build a sustainable platform connected to youth programs) if you would like to support the 37 Club Youth Suicide Awareness & Prevention Initiatives. Thank you for considering supporting our Vision & Mission to Create a Positive Shift in AUS Youth Culture through Music, Art, Wisdom. The 37 Club membership itself gives you access to brand behind the scenes, youth success stories, news/events. The 37 Club sits within the Youth Suicide Prevention & Entertainment space and so content will be relevant towards these two pillars. Get in touch if you have any more queries.
Get in touch to qualify for a free consultation or to answer any other questions you may have.
Thank you again for your support of The 37 Club.
Together we are helping to
Create a Positive Shift in AUS Youth Culture through Music. Art. Wisdom.